One of the Wonders of Pop Music -- The White Album
The idea was to keep it simple. Yes, simple; unpretentious songs for a simple unpretentious album. The model would be Bob...
The idea was to keep it simple. Yes, simple; unpretentious songs for a simple unpretentious album. The model would be Bob...
Look on the map and you'll see Vienna is exactly in the middle of Europe. Yes, Vienna, as in the Vienna Waltz, the Vienna hot dog,...
This is the second book of Robert Peel's three-volume biography of Mary Baker Eddy A life-long Bible reader, reared in Calvinist...
There are three things you need to know about the early life of Mary Baker Eddy. First, from young childhood she refused to accept the...
At the outset of the new year, assessments of global security warn that conflict is spreading across more countries worldwide and a new...
One measure of a person's generosity is in everyday donations of time or treasure to others. Helping a neighbor. Rescuing a distant...
Produced by Howard Hawkes, "The Thing from Another World" is that rare Science Fiction movie to rise above the usual hokey Si-Fi fare,...
It seems every Lincoln biography is intrinsically linked to the Civil War. Not so, with Jon Meacham's intimate portrait of our 16th ...
As the elected president off Moldova -- one of Europe's poorest countries -- Maia Sandu often uses part of her day to rebut online...
After its surprising but effective military incursion into Russia in August, Ukraine has shown why it is not really seeking territorial...
Driving down Chestnut Street in Philadelphia's "Old Town", you'd never guess that this cobbelstone street once had been the center of...
There’s a freedom to the music of Bela Bartok, a willingness to cut loose from the moorings of Brahms, Mozart, and even Beethoven, to let...
A friend of mine, once walked into a tire store, and said he needed a set of new tires for his Lincoln Continental. And then told the...
It took 37 years, but Aretha Franklin's miraculous performance at the New Temple Missionary Baptist Church in Los Angeles, in 1972, was...
When Barbra Streisand was twelve-years old, she underwent a dramatic and remarkable change: her ears popped, and suddenly she could hear...
Monday-Tuesday (May 18-19) -- I met my older brother John at Chicago's O'Hare Airport, and together we boarded a direct flight to...
by Alexander Kronemer THE next-to-last Congress of the 20th century was gaveled into session earlier this month. Had this been two...
What do you get when an ex-Beatle travels to Nashville and sits in with the finest group of Country musicians this side of the...
Throughout history rivers have been the lifeline of civilization. In "Rivers of Power" author and geophysicist Laurence Smith shows how...
Book Review: "The Promised Land" by Barak Obama Reading "The Promised Land" by Barak Obamana is tantamount to taking a semester of...