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-The Ragged Edge | Rereleased August 16, 2022 | Originally Released Dec 19, 1999: The Ragged Edge follows John Wagner through a full Grand Prix season. We follow his ups and downs, his passions, strengths and weaknesses. If you're a car guy or a gear-head, the book is a real page-turner.

-If Hemingway Had Written A Racing Novel | Released Oct 10, 2004: If Hemingway Had Written a Racing Novel is a first-class collection of motor racing fiction. Each of these stories, excerpts of course, feel like the proverbial kid in the candy store with nose to glass.

-Washington In New York: George Washington and the First Congress of the United States | Released March 25, 2019: The nation's capital is in New York City, George Washington is president, and the competing policies of Alexander Hamilton and James Madison are threatening to divide the infant republic before it has a chance to prove itself. Washington becomes ill and is near death, and the government comes to a standstill. The plot of a novel? No. It happened as recounted in this book.




- "Cup of Two Worlds" - Open Wheel | Oct 1997 
- "Brotherhood" - Porsche Panoram | Oct 1997 
- "The Shrike Story" - Open Wheel | Feb 1998 
- "Locked in Time" - The Star Newspaper | May 14, 1998 
- "Full-Bore Fiction" - Car and Driver | July 2000 
- "Bird of Prey" - Vintage Racecar | June 2002 
- "Gurney's First" - Vintage Racecar | April 2004 
- Hans Reusch Interview - Vintage Racecar | Jan 2005 
- Robert Daley Interview - Vintage Racecar | April 2005 
- "Wild Coyotes" - Vintage Racecar | May 2005 
- Ed Hull Interview - Vintage Racecar | Sept 2005 
- Bill Neely Interview - Vintage Racecar | Oct 2005 
- "Surbiton Revolutionary" - Vintage Racecar | August 2006 
- "Winners Drove Watsons" - Vintage Racecar | August 2007 
- "The Program Maker" - Racecar Engineering | October 2007 
- "Independent Thinker" - Racecar Engineering | October 2008 
- "Phil Hill Passed All On World's Racing Stage" - Investors Business Daily | Nov 8, 2012 
- "Junior Johnson Innovated and Sped to Nascar Titles" - Investors Business Daily | Jan 9, 2013 
- "A.J. Foyt, The SuperTex Of Indy And Nascar Racing" - Investors Business Daily | Feb 20, 2013

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